Buiying a mattress is a difficult task, so I want to thank the company for their customer support. They have a great collection, and I really appreciate how polite and helpful they are. I picked the perfect mattress and feel so much better now as I wake up without any soreness or aches. Thank you!
I sleep like a baby on this mattress. It gives me extra comfort and coziness. It is a well-made mattress with the human body in mind, that's why I don't feel any pain when I wake up.
I got this for the bed frame that I also purchased on jennifer (as well as the rug that is underneath the bed) and I love this mattress! Its firm but not like a cement block, and the fact that its memory foam eliminates any noise when sitting on the actual bed itself. I got this mattress a months ago and have had no problems with it.
The mattress is shaped perfectly and extremely comfortable. It's a must try.
I got the product very fast, I thought it would take time but I am impressed
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